Braun's Book

Braun's Book Cover - The Secrets of Money
PCG founder Braun Mincher, a passionate advocate of better financial literacy education, fulfilled his longtime dream of writing and publishing a book during his sabbatical in 2007. Now available online and from book retailers nationwide, The Secrets of Money: A Guide for Everyone on Practical Financial Literacy (ISBN-10: 0-9797003-0-2), has received numerous raving reviews and several national book awards.

For more information about Braun's new book and his personal passion for better educating all consumers, and not just the business or financial savvy, on the topic of practical financial literacy, please visit these websites:

In early 2009, Braun also produced a feature-length documentary film exposing the state of financial literacy (illiteracy) in America: The Secrets of Money: A Documentary Movie.

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